We are excited to unveil the latest version of the StratoView software, designed for distributed signal monitoring. At every iteration, we prioritize customer feedback and incorporate requested features and improvements to ensure a superior user experience.
The new version includes improved interface perception ergonomics for users. The software core has been seriously redesigned in terms of performance optimization and load balancing between system resources. Improved ergonomics and performance, reduced load on the system.

StratoView 7.5 New interface
The politics of grouping widgets on the desktop have also been revised. Now, widgets of the same type (players, status bars, alarms tables) are grouped into one level for easier navigation through the widget library.
The new version includes even more possibilities for monitoring performance of the whole infrastructure and early prevention of failures that affect content quality and delivery.

StratoView 7.5. Library
SRT support for secure reception of UDP streams using a public Internet network
SRT support has been added for secure reception of UDP streams using a public Internet network. Instrumental (QoS, QoE) and visual monitoring of UDP streams are supported with the addition of SRT. The open adaptive SRT protocol has become the de facto standard for transmitting UDP streams through public networks with minimal delays and the possibility of safe encryption.
An open public network can be used to transmit streams using the SRT protocol, reducing costs compared to using leased channels for delivering transport streams with a broadcast profile and without encryption. It is now possible to safely and securely receive SRT protocols from multiple remote locations of the customer’s monitoring network through a public Internet network instead of transmitting UDP Multicast through leased channels.

StratoView 7.5. SRT support
SRT support for secure reception of UDP streams using a public Internet network
SRT support has been added for secure reception of UDP streams using a public Internet network. Instrumental (QoS, QoE) and visual monitoring of UDP streams are supported with the addition of SRT. The open adaptive SRT protocol has become the de facto standard for transmitting UDP streams through public networks with minimal delays and the possibility of safe encryption.
An open public network can be used to transmit streams using the SRT protocol, reducing costs compared to using leased channels for delivering transport streams with a broadcast profile and without encryption. It is now possible to safely and securely receive SRT protocols from multiple remote locations of the customer’s monitoring network through a public Internet network instead of transmitting UDP Multicast through leased channels.

StratoView 7.5. SRT support
Visual monitoring workspace optimization and Round Robin
The optimization of visual monitoring workspace has been implemented, as most partners work with a large number of channels. New types of mosaics have been added for selective control. The Round Robin functionality has also been added, allowing for the quick display of only the necessary video streams selected by the operator in the rotator section on a dynamically generated mosaic with a given dimension, optimizing the visual monitoring workspace for greater efficiency.
Grouping objects and stream monitoring as a Round Robin
We’ve added the Round Robin functionality that allows to quickly display only the necessary video streams selected by the operator in the rotator section on a dynamically generated mosaic with a given dimension, allowing to optimize the hardware resources of the monitoring node and reduce the load on the operator.

StratoView 7.5. Round Robin
Monitoring objects with active alarms only
The StratoView software now includes the Penalty Screen option, allowing for the dynamic visualization of objects with currently active alarms only. Once the alarm is removed, the objects are automatically removed from the visualization, optimizing the monitoring workspace and providing an efficient way to focus on objects that require immediate attention.

StratoView 7.5. Penalty Screen
New subsystem for compliance recording and working with archive records
We’ve added a whole subsystem of compliance recording of all types of signals and monitoring streams, with vast possibilities of setting up recording parameters with stream transcoding, intervals and recording frequency, turning on by trigger alarm and other possibilities.
This subsystem can be used in recording of broadcasts for control, recording operator desktops, or video surveillance cameras.
The subsystem can be used for synchronous recording of these types of sources in a single timeline for detailed and comprehensive investigation of complex administrator failure situations.
New functionality for working with archive records
We’ve added a multifunctional player for viewing and search. It allows playing archive records and setting up search automatization of the necessary interval, with functionality for displaying alarms connected with the object and unloading the selected interval into a media file.

StratoView 7.5. Archive records
All the additions to StratoView 7.5
- Possibility of receiving and monitoring SRT streams
• QoE monitoring
• QoS monitoring (packet loss and jitter)
• Visualization on the video wall and coding into interface
- Possibility of Dynamic visualization on the video wall from the status panel.
- Penalty Screen functionality for automatic output of problematic controlled sources to the video wall.
- Round Robin possibility of alternate monitoring of objects of the same type, allowing to rotate service with both instrumental and visual control of the system.
- Built-in control recording of all the types of video and audio signals received. The built-in component gives the possibility of simultaneous reception, monitoring and logging on the same probe without extra costs for integration or use of additional systems.